Saturday, January 26, 2008

new years resolutions

new years resolutions...
seriously, i don't make resolutions - or not ceremoniously. But i sorta made a few in my head... eat healthy, work out, tone down the drinking and stay away from boys.

For some reason, I can't stick to that last one. I lasted a whole 20 days. TWENTY. WTF?

Men, shoes, and sushi... my weaknesses. Two of those will lead to my demise.

Someone help me.

On a brighter note, here is a note from my friend about the song on my page:
And the second verse's description of the girl with the MBA (alternatively, JD) with her plush corner office (alternatively, cozy cubicle), and the rock and roll streak when she gets agitated, jumps up on a bar and screams hell yeah?! I love the lyrics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you tell who I'm thinking about : )

time to go jump up on a bar and scream hell ya!

1 comment:

Fortune said...

I think you need to find a man that will buy you shoes and sushi. Or a sushi that will buy you shoes and a man.