Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Catholic Church is like a dead language

As human beings we grow. Everyday - we grow physically and mentally - we change. We accept new ideas, reject old ideas. We reevaluate our opinions and preferences. Our minds are constantly being opened up by new experiences and exposed to new ideas. Its just a part of living right?

Just proof that the Catholic Church is dead. A dead language doesn't change - it doesn't evolve because its not used and aside from people studying it and using it in select situations, its use is no longer widespread. Similarly... people "study" or pretend to practice Catholicism it but few people live by it (though everyone likes to say they do - since everyone likes to believe they are holier than though). Its actual "use" is limited to a few people who dedicate their lives to it (even their allegiance or dedication is doubtful). Basically, its a bunch of narrow minded people who refuse to grow and learn. Its as if they are stuck in the year 400 AD. I'm so tired of hypocrisy of the church....

(They just issued new statements reinforcing the idea Catholics should refrain from using BIRTH CONTROL - they apparently haven't noticed that 2 out of 3 babies dont die anymore and if we didn't use birthcontrol we'd be running around with 25 kids each! Oh ya, and they also brought up that whole same sex marriage thing - but, i guess that doesn't include Catholic priests molesting young boys since thats not marriage)

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