Friday, October 06, 2006

Drunken moments

Current mood: Better than this morning :)

I get to see Jon Stewart tonight... yay!

I was supposed to go to a party but I figure my liver will appreciate the break :) ... esp after last night.

Last night was a blast... i think?

Really, I hate not remembering but at the same time, its hilarious to hear the day after stories. And there are some amusing ones about last night for sure.

One in particular...

Apparently I met a Turkish guy last night. I don't remember this AT ALL. Anyway, I guess I had a conversation with him... I guess it had to do with Armenians... I GUESS it had to do with the Genocide and I have a slight hunch that he made some "denialist" statements. At that point, I decided to call Lev (or Lev called me - not sure) and I told Lev I met a Turkish guy and he had to talk to him and tell him that I was right. Lev of course said no. Nevertheless, I handed the phone to the Turkish dude and Lev told him "I don't want to talk to you" (something along the lines of, you arragont lying assholes killed my ancestors and you deny it so I have nothing more to say) and the guy handed me the phone and probably said something along the lines of, "Lev told me that I was right" - so I picked up the phone and started yelling at Lev for telling this Turkish dude that he was right and I was wrong!!!

So, moral(s) of the story:
- Don't pick fights with Turkish people at bars.
- Don't pick fights with Turkish people at bars when you are obviously drunk.
- Don't pick fights with Turkish people at bars when you are obviously drunk and can't formulate coherent arguments!
- Don't get drunk on a Thursday night (on an empty stomach) when you have class the next day and...
- Make that a double don't get drunk on a Thursday night (on an empty stomach) when you have an additional make up session for one of your classes the next day and must therefore endure two back to back hours of class all the while staring at the door wondering if you'll make it all the way to the bathroom if this nausea doesn't go away!

oh, and don't elbow people in the stomach if they just had their appendix removed. I guess it hurts or somethin.

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