Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Some logic

I often find myself frustrated with the GNP editors for not doing more "editing" when it comes to the mailbag/community forum. Granted, people do have a first amendment rigth to free speech, but that does not require all businesses to give a platform for people to spew hate. A person has complete freedom to say what they want and write what they want in whatever forum they run (or whatever forum allows them to). A community news paper is not the place for it. Imagine if the KKK were permitted to, in this day and age, write letters to every paper in the country promoting hatred. Imagine if a Holocaust denier wrote to the GNP every day saying "those damn jews are liars." Of course, most people would clearly ignore these because it commonly known that the KKK are a bunch of idiots and the Holocaust DID indeed occur. But what about when people write myths and lies and hateful comments about smaller minorities? Do I believe they have the right to say it? of course! Let them write their own paper or blog or magazine - whatever. I believe the editors of the GNP should exercise some discretion over the letters published so as to promote healthy discussions and debates (I am all for discussions and debates) rather than a forum in which each looney out there is given space to promote their own racist agenda (can you imagine if the NY Times were to publish what every crazy wrote?).

Anyway, point being... apparently, someone agrees with me.

'In Theory' offensive, he demands apology

The Glendale News-Press owes an immediate apology to its readers for publishing the hate-filled comments from the Rev. Bryan Griem of the Montrose Community Church in the Faith section of the Nov. 4-5 issue ("No on same-sex marriages").

It is unconscionable that an otherwise reputable newspaper would provide a platform for his uninformed accusations intended to denigrate and demonize an innocent minority.

Cloaking it in the guise of "faith" does not disguise this kind of irresponsible bigotry, and I am offended that the News-Press does not seem to recognize the parallels to overt racism.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As the offending Pastor, let me say that I never spew anything hateful in my weekly column. I am expected to answer the questions posed to me by the GNP editor, and to do so as an educated, ordained leader of my particular religion. I am afforded approximately 300 words in which to answer the question, and what is often called "hate" by the mailbaggers is merely my quoting of Scripture. I don't hate anyone, nor does anything I say remotely resemble hate except to those who hate what the Bible says about their favorite sin. People often have a problem agreeing with God, and because I am sworn to represent Him honestly, I am crucified with Christ. You might try reading the articles, rather than just re-publishing the "hateful" rants of unstable, or anti-biblically biased readers. There are just as many positive letters and phone calls expressing appreciation for allowing a pastor that actually believes the Bible to weigh-in amidst a group that think it merely an antiquated book of fortune-cookie sayings to be regarded lightly.
~Rev. Bryan Griem
Montrose Community Church (CA)
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference