Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Why oh why...

does this guy still have a job?


I love HUSTLER - and Mr. Flynt. Honestly, this guy is 100 times cooler than Heff.

Why do I love him? Well, you may have heard of the wonderful Senator Vitter (R - yes, R for Republican - from Louisiana) who recently confessed to having sex with hookers... (too bad he couldn't get head from his intern - it might have prevented this scandal). Well, apparently, Flynt played a role in bringing this information to light (see above article).

Here's my favorite part:
" Flynt took out a full-page ad in The Washington Post in June to offer $1 million for "documented evidence of illicit sexual or intimate relations with a congressman or senator."

Flynt launched a similar campaign in 1998 in an effort to counter the drive to impeach then-President Bill Clinton over allegations that he had lied about his relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Moldea worked with Flynt in that effort as well.

Hustler's search led to the resignation of House Speaker-designate Robert Livingston -- whose congressional seat Vitter won the next year."

Did you get that last part? Same seat. Haha. Looks like the wives in that county don't put out...

Oh yes, and another interesting point: This Vitter supported a ban on same-sex marriages. I guess he too would like to argue that gay couples destroy the sanctity of marriage. I guess he doesn't see infidelity as a threat to marriage.

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