Saturday, April 28, 2007

the constitution


after wednesday, I never want to hear the terms "strict scrutiny" or "rational basis" ever again.

but, i thought i'd violate some of my friends' privacy and publicize their away messages just so you can understand...

Dan: I want to open a bar called Strict Scrutiny.

Paz: the constitution sucks
(and later): "'sometimes i think life would be easier if it just ended' - Ely. yeah, conlaw makes you go insane"
(and later still):why is this not going faster!
(still going): conlaw has sucked all the fun out of my life...i even dreamed that the constitution was after me

Jen: man oh man. this con law outline is like the song that never ends... yes it goes on and on my friend. some 1Ls started writing it not knowing what it was...and theyll continue writing it forever just because.... this fucking outline never ends! yes it goes on and on my friends

Caitlin: Dear O'Connor,
You could have made all of our lives a lot easier by following the law rather than your feelings.


Nancy: mind-wrestling with the Court's readings of the Constitution.

Chris: What really sucks is that i have dreams that things are unconstitutional...

(Stolen from Ely)
"Andy": oh dear i am totally useless right now
"Andy":i am staring at zobel
"Andy":rearranging the letters and making up new words
Ely: hahahahaha
Ely: all ive got is "lobe" and "zeb", and i dont think zeb is a word..

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