Friday, April 13, 2007


Tidbit #1: So, I'm sure you all know that I'm not a huge baseball fan. Nevertheless, its a little exciting that baseball season has started...

I love seeing all the Red Sox fans out and about. I ride into Kenmore everyday then out past the Fenway stop (though most fans get on/off at Kenmore, some also wait at the Fenway stop) and on gamedays, there is such a buzz in the station. Groups of excited fans decked out in their gear - young old short tall skinny fat... Its cute to see the little boys going to their first game or the girls with their braided hair and excessive glitter. This week I saw an old granny with her Red Sox shirt and earrings. And when the Sox win, the T is filled with super excited drunks! lol.

Of course, I have to admit that I sometimes get a little frustrated when I'm exhausted and trying to get home. The influx of fans makes the commute a little less comfy (just imagine the hundreds of fans packed like sardines in the trains!).

But its still fun. Can't wait to go to a game... I mean, not that I care for the game but they do sell Guinness at fenway (they have a great selection of beers actually). And fenway franks? yum. Its just great to be around diehard fans. Unlike the LA bandwagon syndrome, the people here are Red Sox all the way and I love that sort of passion and loyalty.

Tidbit #2: I bumped into my roomie (Sarah) today on my way home from school. She was buying chocolates for work (or so she says...). I get so giddy when I bump into people I know on the street. I don't know why. I bumped into Sarah at the post office once. And I bumped into Angela at the BU Pub long long ago. I really don't know how to explain it. I guess its because in Glendale you're used to seeing someone you know EVERYWHERE you go. Post office, grocery store, mall, gas station, Glenoaks... lol. I know everyone complains about it - including me. I hate looking like a wreck and bumping into someone at Ralphs. But the truth is, its kinda nice to know everyone in your community and bumping into my roomies (and occasionally my classmates) outside of set functions (or school) is kinda fun.

My first month in Boston, I bumped into Misha, an old friend/senate colleague from Cal. I had last seen him at Has's graduation in May of 05. As Lev, Armen and myself were walking around government center trying to find our way to (I guess Quincy?), I stopped at a bus stop to look at the map. There were two guys there also looking at the map and I recognized one of their voices - I turned around and it was none other than Misha himself (beard and all). I'm sure I've told this story before but I just can't get over it. It totally made the world feel a little bit smaller - and more cozy :).

Anyway, I THINK thats it for tidbits. Actually, I'm sure its not - there was something else I wanted to write but I can't remember now so oh well....

1 comment:

sarah said...

I WAS buying chocolates for others. I'm giving a recital tomorrow and Emily and I had to buy chocolates to give to the musicians who are playing for us free of charge. But, of course we got some for ourselves, too. :)