Tuesday, April 24, 2007

read, react...

Read, React...

Thank you Nooneh for the Fox news clip of the Little Armenia March coverage...

But before everyone gets excited...

Watch the clip carefully. The coverage is AWFUL. LA is home to several thousand Armenians. There is no reason that FoxLA should have such horrible coverage of this event. The reporter is absolutely unprepared... the tone of the reporter and anchors absolutely downplays the event... she continuously refers to "these people" as if we're some crazy radical sect... and, (really I hope you caught this)...

The anchor introduces the piece saying, "for those who call it genocide" - uh? WTF?

We all want coverage yes, but the news reporters take such a light hearted approach, its a slap in the face.

anyway, I suggest you write in - even if you only write one sentence! I'd tell you to call but i dont have the # (yet... give me a few hours).

Below is my letter...

I am truly disappointed with Fox News for today's coverage on the Armenian Genocide.

As your anchor reports, Los Angeles (and Glendale) is home to a very large Armenian - American community. I would hope that a local news station would be more responsive to and respectful of its community. Unfortunately, todays broadcast was not only disrespectful but also ignorant.

First and foremost, your reporter (Nischelle Turner) seemed unprepared and uninformed on the topic, stumbling and grasping to piece her story together Her approach to a solemn story seems quite careless.

Nischelle also comments that "these people believe" Turkey's alliance with the U.S. is the reason the U.S. has failed to officially recognize. Apparently, Fox News isn't doing a good job of keeping up with the news - if they had, they'd realize that its not just "these people" who believe the alliance is the motivating factor - its "this country's" politicians.

But, perhaps the biggest slap in the face is the actual introduction to the piece where Steve (?) notes, "Today, April 24th, is the official day of remembrance FOR THOSE who call it the Armenian Genocide."

"Those" suggests that there are only some who consider it Genocide. This is misleading and ignorant, particularly considering the fact that the State of California officially commemorates April 24th as Genocide Remembrance day.

If it seems as though I am being nit picky, I'd like you to consider the statement, "For those who call it the Holocaust" or "For those who call it the Iraq War" or "For those who call it the Cambodian Genocide." The truth is, despite what the politicians have chosen to label it, our news media generally calls things as they are. To do otherwise is just cowardly.

Even the President, though tip toeing around the word Genocide, is one of "those" that commemorates April 24th.

Overall, the tone and attitude of the reporters downplays an important day marking one of the greatest acts of mans inhumanity to man... to a random march with some kids taking to the streets. What a horrible way to respect such a large number of your news "consumers."

(obviously me)

1 comment:

sarah said...

Good for you for writing. I haven't watched yet, but honestly, I would not expect anymore from Fox News.