Friday, September 22, 2006

Charles Aznavour

After MONTHS of anticipation... I finally got to see Charles Aznavour last night live at the Boston Opera House. The evening started out with a nice dinner... a long walk (in the wrong direction)... a short taxi ride (in the right direction)... and of course, missing the first song of the show (damnit!).

First off - a sidenote - the opera house is gorgeous! just being in there was amazing. But, being in there to see such a well known, classy artist - probably for the last time ever - was great.

French is such a nice language to listen to. Moreover, the style of Aznavour's music is so romantic, you just want to get up and waltz/tango or just dance plain ole cheek to cheek. Charles was a great performer too - he'd translate his french songs, crack some jokes... (pretty energetic for an 82 year old man!) - oh, and he sang a song with his daughter!

(there was more, but seeing as how this is a public blog... i edited some out. check my other blog for more)

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