Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I swear, I read TWO freakin pages and then it all starts to sound japanese unless I allow myself to be distracted. If I do something else for even a minute and go back to my reading, it all makes sense again. So, the pattern goes something like this....

read read read (flip the page) read read read read (flip the page) read... read (slowing down here) read... "AH! fine, I'll check my email" (AGAIN)

So, instead of succumbing to surveys (give me a few more months, I'll get there) I thought I'd blog. Each thought will be another "distraction moment"

(read, flip page, blog) Notes on Regional Advertising:

I must say, I am absolutely amused by regional advertising. Bostonians (apparently) say wicked... and, as you all know they all have that Bahston accent. An ad for Bass reads: "Its wicked smooth. Just ask your Bahtender"

Of course, sometimes you don't get regional advertising - the other Bass ad I don't get (nor do I remember it at this point).

(read, flip, blog) IPODS....

are not a fad... they are a necessity in this city (or so it seems). Forget your ipod on the T one day and your ride to school will be long and tedious. It seems that there isn't a single person on there without an ipod (well, except for the few individuals who have some other sort of mp3 player). Even the mother with her two daughters was listening to her ipod (while her poor children stared around at all the blank faces staring back at them). If you bump into someone and try to apologize... well, you have no idea if they heard you (perhaps this is where lip reading comes in). And you'll catch a few people with their mouths open just staring at a wall (obviously lost in their music, oblivious to their surroundings). Hey, I guess it helps pass the time... it does, however, make the train a very unfriendly place at times (Ipods now take the place of socializing with your neighbor - although obnoxious people like myself will still try to strike up a conversation every so often)

(read, flip page, blog) T-Surfing!

T-surfing is far more difficult than you'd think by looking at it. T-surfing is the ART of balancing yourself on the train throughout your ride (including the start/stop). Now, once you got that down... add... you book bag (complete with 6lb laptop, lunch - ya im a dork - water bottle, yada yada yada) and your books (assume about 15 lbs each... give or take). AND when you really think you got it mastered, add some more t-surfers to the mix - one of them falls and its like a freaking domino rally! YA!

(on to Torts! YAY!....flip, blog) The Double Doors....

A lot of homes around here have two doors - and I don't mean like french double doors. I mean, you walk through the front door and the other front door is straight ahead! I'm sure its great for snowy weather (the first door doesnt' have a lock so you can walk in out of the rain or snow while you dig out your keys) but really, i was sorta confused at first (give me a break - it was 5 am - i hadn't slept - and i had no idea where my roomies had left the spare key... no worries, after a two hour nap i figured it out!)

Okay, time to go focus on this case from 1339 that's written in latin (what the relevance to today is... no idea...)

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